We represent a leading Czech-Slovak development company developing a communication chat-bot using artificial intelligence.
We have prepared Employment Contracts and Licensing Agreements for programmers developing the software. During the project, we placed emphasis on protecting the client's intellectual property rights, copyright and confidentiality obligations of employees and other workers.
Jana CilliCEO and Sales Director
What was the most challenging part of this legal project?
„Chatbot projects fall into the typical agile category when it comes to software development. The customer is directly involved in the development and has the opportunity to test the intermediate product and then re-evaluate their requirements over time. At the same time, they learn to use the new technology and set up processes for working with it. At the same time, we, on the development side, gradually get into the customer's business and learn what is obvious for them in their business.
From a legal perspective, the biggest challenge is to legally incorporate the high degree of freedom and flexibility that is standard in agile projects into a legal document. In terms of our projects where we implement extremely new and sophisticated technologies, we clearly find it most challenging to manage client expectations throughout the entire lifecycle. It's about trust and partnership.“
What is key in evaluating the success of a law firm's work?
„The complexity of the vendor-client relationship and processes is a challenging thing. A law firm has to be versed in both our business, which is very young, in modern SW management methodologies and also understand the relationship with our client and, practically, the unwritten values of both firms. To reconcile all this with the legislation? Hats off!“
What made the cooperation with MATHISON special for you and how do you rate it?
„It's been great to be able to cover all types of contracts, from employees to specific project contracts. This way we don't have to explain our business over and over to more people. Great!“